Cary academy and its values

Cary Academy, the host organization for this journal, is an independent coeducational, college-preparatory day school for students in grades 6-12. Cary Academy’s mission commits the school to creating and maintaining an environment in which discovery, innovation, collaboration, and excellence are fostered. Founded in 1996 and opened in 1997, the school is on the forefront of technology-enhanced education. When fully enrolled, Cary Academy will have a student body of 672. Each student, faculty and staff member has access to the school’s internal Intranet and the external Internet. Students use the school’s technological resources to gather data, analyze porno mexicano information, develop research skills and reinforce classroom lessons. Each Cary Academy family, student, faculty and staff member has his own e-mail account providing an additional means of communication.

Cary Academy is fortunate in that it has a corporate partner and neighbor, SAS Institute, a software development company. The founders/owners of SAS Institute, Dr. and Mrs. James H. Goodnight and Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sall, also founded Cary Academy. Cary Academy has benefited greatly from the expertise of SAS Institute’s SAS In School division and having such a close corporate partner.

Our values

SPIRITUALITY is the recognition that there is a “mysterious other” that exists in the universe that is sacred and at the core of all being. Spirituality honors, embraces and acknowledges the mystery with the understanding that we can never fully comprehend or explain its existence. By its very nature, spirituality promotes a sense of wonder, awe, and celebration of life. A belief in the ultimate goodness of the mystery causes us to reach out to others (human and non-human) through love, compassion and forgiveness.

COMMUNITY is the local ecological context in which spirituality becomes manifest. Community consists of an infinite number of interconnected components, all of which function to support the health and well-being of the entire system as well as the individuals therein. Community is also the recognition that people are one unique element within this system; that our survival depends on maintaining the health of the entire community of life.

SUSTAINABILITY is the process of nurturing, upholding and preserving balance among all members of an ecological community. To sustain is to nourish, support and prolong. Sustainability, therefore, is the ability to nurture, uphold and preserve the integrity of individuals and communities of life indefinitely; recognizing that change is inevitable. Furthermore, sustainability embraces the need for compassionate confrontation and healing of those individuals and components of a community that are diseased or in need of sustenance and encouragement. The entire life system is only as strong and durable as are its component members.


How to Restore the Conscience of America’s Communities: a Grass Roots Approach

The Spiritual Connection
Society has undergone a spiritual revival in recent years. The notion of spirituality is cropping up in all sorts of contexts. It seems that we’ve caught on that there’s something important about it. But if you ask ten people to explain the word “spiritual”, you’re likely to get ten different answers. Whether it’s a theologian or a talk show host, an anthropologist or your average man on the street, pretty much everyone drifts into abstract vagueness when they speak of porno gratis matters spiritual. On the other hand, there are folks out there who never even mention spirituality; who would shrug and scratch their heads if you brought it up. Yet these same people could be deeply infused with spirit. Truthfully, we are all infused with spirit, every human being, but it seems that certain people are more developed in this regard.

It is quite correct to have discovered that spirituality is important. It’s a good sign. However, not everyone realizes just how important spirituality actually is. Important to the mental and physical health of every person, and important to the health of the world. Indeed, now more than ever a there is a critical need for the world to rediscover true spirituality. Vague hints are not good enough. Spirituality is not merely an abstraction, but an experience; not just a fuzzy notion, but a concrete and specific thing. And until you experience it yourself, there isn’t much use in hearing someone else describe it. Nevertheless, let me offer a few sentences by way of introduction, and then refer you to some of the more authoritative sources on the resource pages. (see Transcendental Meditation, other practices).

The Knower, The Knowing and The Known

From an intellectual standpoint, the key aspect of spirituality, the main point to grasp, is that reality consists of three parts: the knower, the process of knowing, and the known. These are the three primitives; the three irreducible elements from which all further discussion must derive. It’s should be intuitively clear that the entity which knows, the observer, is you. It’s also pretty clear that the process of knowing, or observing, has something to do with your five senses, and perhaps with other faculties as well. The known, of course, is all that is “out there”, in the environment.

An On-going Process of Internal Growth

But the known is actually more than what’s out there. For example, you can look at yourself, in which case the known becomes you. You would then be both the observer and the observed. This is actually a key concept: To know thyself … to know the knower. But here’s the trick. This is not just a concept, it’s a practice. It’s something that one does. Moreover, it’s possible to work at this, to improve one’s technique, and progress through stages of spiritual development as you progress through life. This is another important point: that spirituality is an on-going process of internal growth.
Internal means inside of you. Not inside your body, or inside your brain, but in the non-material region of the mind/body continuum. People who are further along the spiritual path are able to recognize this internal, mental aspect of life. The reason this is important is because being in touch with your inner side is the more natural way to live. They call this “enlightenment”. There are great benefits that come out of it, both physiological and psychological.

When you’re in touch with your inner self, your character begins to form. Your best qualities start to come out, including the quality of compassion. This is how the quality of life is affected. When a community contains greater numbers of enlightened, compassionate people, things get better. It has to do with the interaction among community members. The enlightened people affect the thinking and the behavior of the unenlightened simply by moving among them: working, talking, socializing, carrying on the routines of life. There are of course degrees of this – partial enlightenment – but any amount of enlightenment at all in the community is better than complete darkness. Taking it a step further, the more enlightened communities we have, the better the whole of society becomes. Unfortunately, for quite a while now most of the world has been carrying on in state that is closer to darkness than to enlightenment. There are signs that things are changing, but we still have a long road ahead of us.

All Religions are Included

Notice that we have not mentioned God or religion. When it comes to matters of civic responsibility, you need to be as inclusive as possible. If you talked about spirituality in terms of a particular religious tradition – Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc. – there would certainly be folks from other backgrounds who will take exception to your arguments. Moreover, religion itself is just the envelope, the outer trappings, of a deeper personal experience – a divine experience – that transcends all religions. Whatever route you take to this experience is a good one. Whatever spiritual tradition you have is valuable when you pursue it to its ultimate source in the divine. Garden Zone Community Management calls for a renewal of interest in spirituality, and in fact depends on this renewal in order for it to succeed, but it also requires that a manager remain neutral from a religious standpoint in order to attract the widest ecumenical support.

Fact Sheet on Air Toxics

Toxic comes from the Greek word toxikon which referred to the poison smeared on an arrow. The meaning has changed but not the intent. Air toxics are poisonous airborne pollutants which exist in the atmosphere either as gases or attached to fine particles.

Some air toxics come from natural sources such as dust, forest fires, volcanic gases and soil erosion. But most are created by human activities including industrial processes, the manufacture and use of pesticides, and the burning of fossil fuels such as gas, oil or coal.

Air toxics find their way into the atmosphere in two ways. Some are emitted directly from cars, trucks and train engines or from factories which burn fossil fuels. Others are discharged into water or onto the land, and because they possess the characteristic known as volatility, they escape into the air as gases or attached to fine particles.

The atmosphere plays an important role in the environmental cycle of air toxics. Sometimes it can carry them thousands of kilometres from their source and wash them to earth as rain, snow, fog or mist. The atmosphere may also transform air toxics into even more dangerous porno xxx.

Air toxics pose a serious threat to human health and to wildlife for three reasons.

First, they are poisonous, or may become poisonous after combining with other substances or bioaccumulating in the food chain. The toxics may cause death, disease, birth defects, genetic mutations and behavioural abnormalities as well as physiological or reproductive harm in organisms or their offspring.

Second, the toxics bioaccumulate in the fatty tissue of animals, and are difficult or impossible to metabolize or excrete. Even minute amounts may have a major effect on wildlife as the toxics build up to a dangerous level over the lifetime of the animal. Bioaccumulating in the food chain occurs when, for example, plankton which has absorbed toxic chemicals from the water is eaten by fish, which, after storing the toxics in fatty tissues, are then eaten by birds. Because the birds are at the top of this food chain, they may over time accumulate levels of toxics which are thousands of times higher than those in their prey, which themselves were thousands of times higher than those in the plankton.
Third, these toxics are persistent, meaning that they do not break down easily in the environment and may remain intact for decades or even centuries.

Environment Canada is involved in a range of research projects aimed at understanding how air toxics are emitted, transported, transformed and deposited by the atmosphere. Further, the department is heavily involved in the development and enforcement of regulations to prevent the emission of air toxics into the atmosphere.

The most common culprits:

The industrial world uses more than 65,000 commercial chemicals. In 1985, the International Joint Commission identified 11 pollutants which the Canadian-U.S. body considered critical:

1. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
2. Mirex
3. Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)
4. Dieldrin
5. DDT
6. 2,3,7,8-TCDD
7. 2,3,7,8-TCDF
8. Benzo[a]pyrene
9. Toxaphene
10. Mercury
11. Alkylated lead

Environmental Protection Act (EPA) & Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC)

Polluting activities and Industrial emissions in the UK have been controlled, to some extent, for over 150 years and are currently regulated under both the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA) and the Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 (PPC).

There are also a number of other directives that contribute towards the regulation of porno italiani environmental emissions such as the Solvent Emissions Directive (SED) and the Waste Incineration Directive (WID). There are a number of guidance documents available to provide information about the structure and requirements of these regulations.

  • GG Notes (General Guidance)
  • AQ Notes (additional guidance notes on local authority industrial pollution control issues)
  • PG Notes (Process Guidance) The Process Guidance (PG) notes are issued under the EPA and PPC Regulations. They form statutory guidance on what constitute the Best Available Techniques (BAT) for the installations regulated.

In 2000, the PPC regulations came into effect throughout UK industry as required by the EC Directive (96/61). This resulted in the need for significant changes to the regulatory requirements. Since then, old EPA regimes of Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) and Local Air Pollution Control (LAPC) have begun the process of being progressively replaced by the new regimes of PPC. The PPC regulations introduced 3 new systems of pollution control:

  1. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC), which covers installations known as A(1) installations, which are regulated by the Environment Agency;
  2. Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (LA-IPPC) which covers installations known as A(2) installations, which are regulated by local authorities;
  3. Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control (LAPPC), which covers installations known as Part B installations, also regulated by local authorities.

A(1) installations generally have a greater potential to pollute the environment than A(2) installations and Part B installations would have the least potential to pollute. Similar to the EPA system which required all industrial activities to have an authorisation to operate; all polluting activities which fall under the remit of the PPC regulations are required to be ‘permited’. These ‘permits’ contain conditions of operations which act to reduce or prevent the emissions of pollutants and reduce or prevent the usage of polluting substances.

Best Available Technique (BAT)

The aim of the PPC regime is achieving a high level of protection of the environment. This is achieved by, among other things, requiring operators to use the best available techniques (BAT).

Regulations define BAT as “the most effective and advanced stage in the development of activities and their methods of operation which indicates the practical suitability of particular techniques for providing in principle the basis for emission limit values designed to prevent and, where that is not practicable, generally to reduce emissions and the impact on the environment as a whole”.

Solvent Emissions Directive (SED)

The Solvent Emissions (England and Wales) Regulations 2004, SI 107, which came into force on 20 January 2004.

The aim of this Directive is to prevent or reduce the direct and indirect effects of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the environment (mainly into air), and to minimise the potential risks to human health.

There are strict requirements for those activities using potentially more harmful substances such as halogenated VOCs which are assigned the risk phrase R40 or VOCs that are classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction and which carry the risk phrase R45, R46, R49, R60 or R61.

The Directive also requires Regulators to request ‘Solvent Management Plans’ (SMP) from the permitted installations. The SMP is effectively a tool for determining the VOC or Solvent Usage and emissions.

Waste Incineration Directive (WID)

The Waste Incineration Directive (WID) is a single piece of European legislations which introduces operating conditions and sets minimum technical requirements for waste incineration and co-incineration. It covers virtually all waste incineration, and co-incineration plants.